Androstadienone Pheromone

As the name implies, Androstadienone contains the Androstadienone pheromone and uses an eyedropper delivery method. Those that purchase this product are well advised to spill any of it since the cost of a single bottle is $49.95.


That is a high price to pay for a pheromone that clearly mentions that it does not provide any guaranteed outcome. Perhaps the company deserves points for honesty but most consumers would be interested in a pheromone that definitely worked. This is doubly true for those paying such a high price for a bottle. At least a 30-day money back guarantee is offered if you are not pleased with the results.

First Impressions

Those seeking a product to improve their social and persona like are making an investment. When the investment fails to deliver, a lot of time and money is put to waste. There is no other way to describe a weak pheromone product.

The duration Androstadienone presents is not exactly much more expansive than what other similar products offer. The duration window is around 4 to 6 hours. However, even this can be suspect since the duration will largely be based on how long ago the previous application was made.


Unfortunately, Androstadienone does not deliver in overall effectiveness. The scent is not powerful enough to seriously impactful and many will consider this a major disappointment. The range of the scent is limited which can be considered another serious problem for consumers.

Is It Worth It?

In addition, some consumers have noted that this product did not deliver as expected. Others may speak of its great value but the overall gauge of effectiveness is inconclusive. Androstadienone makes quite a few bold promises.

The negative here is that the delivery of the promises is suspect. For those that want a bit more confidence in the product they purchase, Androstadienone might not be the best purchasing choice for them. More advanced formulas from competing manufacturers are now sold in scented and unscented formulas delivering greater performance for your money.

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