The jury on Mistress Pheromones for Women is not necessarily out, but reviews are certainly mixed. While some customers gave it positive reviews, others weren’t really sure there was any difference.
One thing almost everyone agreed upon is that it had a very nice smell, with one user saying that “young men wanted to be near” the fragrance. (One user didn’t like the smell at all, but that was one user among many.) That may in fact bode well for its effectiveness, given that it certainly seems to make men want to be near the person wearing it.
It contains some pretty powerful pheromones.
Here is the list. Copulins Vomeropherin Estratetraniol TRP2 (Axillary Secretions) V1R/V2R. These are some pretty powerful ingredients that are proven to work in any pheromone perfume, but work very well when combined together.
Here is a quote from a real customer at the pheromone superstore. ” It has a very pleasant scent that blends well with any natural floral fragrance. Works well with Alter Ego. No dilution required and easy to use. The moment I dab it on my mind races and I start thinking for sure I will get some (make that ALOT).”
The Verdict
Certainly, everyone commented that Mistress Pheromones for Women had a particularly nice smell that made it enjoyable to wear. Some even said that it absolutely did have an amazing effect. Whether or not its pheromone activity is what actually makes an effective is debatable. However, if you want to give Mistress Pheromones for Women a try, it’s certainly worth a shot. It’s got a hefty price tag, $48.95, but so do some more expensive perfumes with no other claim to fame than that they smell nice.
No matter what kind of pheromone perfume you buy, make sure that you buy it from a reputable dealer. My favorite pheromone dealer is the pheromone superstore, they are the only place I know of where you get an amazing 90 day guarantee on every pheromone purchase that you make. In fact they want you to open up your bottle and try the pheromone first. I think it is pretty impressive. So is there a pheromone perfume that really works? I have to say yes! There are several.
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