Turn Up The Heat pheromones is a product that makes some very bold claims. Whether it is in casual everyday meetings or in nightclubs, this pheromones product is intended to deliver exceptional results.
But, can it really deliver on its promises? Honestly, this is a product that falls well below expectations. There are other supplements out there that can deliver on expectations. Why waste money on an expensive and unreliable product along the lines of Turn Up The Heat?
The product comes in the form of a cologne which can be considered a slight positive. The cologne is easy to apply and does absorb into the skin quite well. The unfortunate issue here surrounds the actual effectiveness of the product once it is applied.
First Impressions
In short, Turn Up The Heat pheromones sincerely lacks effectiveness. Considering this is the only reason you would be purchasing such a product in the first place, such an omission is a major one.
The product claims that it can be more effective if greater applications are applied to the skin. One drop, for example, would be decidedly less potent than three drops. Is this an accurate assessment or is it merely a means of helping you finish the bottle quickly in order to purchase a new one?
While the latter question may be somewhat cynical, it is also safe to say adding more drops of Turn Up The Heat pheromones to your person will not yield much in terms of additional results. On a side note, the product does have a decent smell and is not noxious. That can be considered a plus.
Most Effective. Available Scented & Unscented. Boost Sexual Attraction. 30 day money-back guarantee. Ships worldwide.
The duration of the product is not much different than the average duration of other similar products. A decent application can last anywhere from four hours to six hours. The issue here is not the duration. The issue is whether or not the product is actually effective. Unfortunately, this product is not very effective.
If there was one major pro associated with this particular product it would be that it comes with a money back guarantee. If you are unsatisfied with the results you can get your money back within a 30-day window of purchase. Consider that a decent benefit to purchasing the product.
Is It Worth It?
Different men may experience different results with the product. Some might report positive experiences. That said, this is not exactly the most reliable and consistent pheromones cologne on the market. Rather than purchase a product of limited value, it would be best to but one that better delivers on expectations.
Price: $29.99
Concentration: Unknown
Money-Back Guarantee: 30 Days
Application: Dating.
Visit Official Site: Androtics.com
Turn Up The Heat pheromones is not a product that delivers. More advanced formulas from competing manufacturers are now sold in scented and unscented formulas delivering greater performance for your money.
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